
Why VeriServed ?

VeriServed Eliminates Challenges to Serves

Courts are already pushing the boundaries of law and ordering electronic service. Unfortunately, the means to truly verify service are limited – many of these serves will be quashed by canny defense attorneys.

VeriServed eliminates many of the excuses attorneys can use to challenge an electronic serve. See How!

Excuse 1: You Sent to An Old, Unmonitored Account

VeriServed Unmonitored Account
VeriServed Unmonitored Account
With VeriServed, you can send notice to multiple potential accounts and track which accounts were successfully delivered and opened.

Excuse 2: Message was Never Opened


With VeriServed, know if the notification message was previewed, opened, or read in any fashion.

Excuse 3: Attached Documents Weren’t Opened

VeriServed Attached Documents
VeriServed Attached Documents

With VeriServed, the individual is provided a link to access the documents – and you will have proof they:

  • Clicked the link
  • Viewed the documents
  • Downloaded the documents

Excuse 4: No One Claims Responsibility for Opening

VeriServed Claims Responsibility
VeriServed Claims Responsibility
VeriServed Claims Responsibility

With VeriServed, Identifying Questions can be Asked, Prior to Allowing Access to the Legal Papers. Questions Like:

  • Are You the Person the Papers are For?
  • If Not, What is Your Name?
  • What is Your Relationship to the Intended Recipient?
  • What is Your Age?
  • What are the Last 4 Digits of the Intended Recipient’s SSN?

Excuse 5: No Verifiable Proof

VeriServed Verifiable Proof
VeriServed Verifiable Proof

With VeriServed, you’ll have access to a report that shows:

  • Confirmation your contact message was opened and from which accounts (email, text, social media), including:
  • The date and time the message was opened
  • IP Address used to open the message
  • Confirmation of document retrieval from a secure portal, including:
  • Date and time of login to VeriServed and document preview or download.
  • IP Address used for VeriServed access
  • Required verification questions confirming WHO logged in to VeriServed and retrieved the service documents