

Frequently Asked Questions!

VeriServed is an auditable electronic service of process method, which tracks the details of service notice delivery and the receipt of service documents, providing process servers with effective, defendable serves through electronic means, including email, Facebook Messenger, text, and WhatsApp.
Serves using email or FaceBook Messenger are difficult to prove. Intended recipients can claim the account is no longer monitored, that it was hacked by someone, that they saw the message but assumed it was SPAM so never opened it, and other legitimate excuses to create doubt that they received the legal papers. Serves that assume receipt without proof will be at risk of being quashed.
VeriServed sends official notice to one or more accounts (email, text, Facebook Messenger, etc.) informing the intended recipient that there are legal papers to retrieve. The intended recipient is provided a secure link to go to VeriServed and view/download the documents.
In many cases, emails and other accounts may be shared by more than one person. There is also the risk of an unsecured device allowing an unauthorized individual opening the attachments.

With VeriServed, you can require the individual attempting to access the document to answer specific questions to verify who they are. If they can’t answer the question correctly, they are not allowed to view/download the documents.

An IP address is a numeric value assigned to each network device, which provides an identification and location of that device. VeriServed tracks the IP address of the device that opened the notification message and the IP address that was used when the documents were viewed/downloaded, providing a digital trail.

VeriServed provides both Summary and Detailed Reports that document the accounts the notice of service were sent to, whether those notices were opened (including date, time and IP address), and whether the legal documents were viewed and/or downloaded from the secure VeriServed site.

Anyone authorized to serve papers can obtain a VeriServed account. To serve individual legal papers, the VeriServed user must be authorized to serve papers in the State and County the Intended Recipient resides in.

VeriServed has a monthly minimum fee of $20, which includes 10 electronic serves. Additional electronic serves are at a per serve cost of $2.

VeriServed will keep service data for 7 years, in our secure data facility.
VeriServed is developing an API to allow import of service request data from popular case management systems. The first integration will be with Process Server’s Toolbox (PST).